All information and links below are provided in good faith. Adelaide Adult ADHD does not specifically endorse or recommend any of the content on this page. Adelaide Adult ADHD does not receive any form of financial or any other benefit from any of the content listed. Please contact us if you have any concerns about any of the content.
To read
Women with ADHD (Book)
Driven to distraction (Book)
Confronting Adult ADHD (E-book)
How to keep house while drowning (Book)
Organising solutions for people with ADHD (Book)
To watch
The Disruptors (Movie)
ADHD in Women (Video)
The cost of getting an ADHD diagnosis (Video)
ADHD sucks, but not really (TedX talk)
Is this ADHD (BBC4)
To listen
ADHD for Smart Ass Women (Podcast)
Not broken, just wired differently (ABC Radio National)
Managing thrive at work (ABC Radio National)
Diagnosing ADHD in adults (ABC Listen)
ADHD guidelines offer clearer path for diagnosis and treatment (6PR Breakfast)
How to talk to people — using our voice, not our fingers and thumbs (ABC Listen)